Minors & Concentrations

A minor is a course of study in addition to your major. A concentration is a focus within your major. 几乎任何威尼斯人娱乐城的专业都可以作为辅修——向你的指导老师咨询更多信息.


Complete course requirements are listed in the Undergraduate Bulletin.

Applied Finance
Having a full understanding of finance is essential in business. 应用金融可以帮助你探索各种各样的观点和学习技术,销售人员, entrepreneurs, 体育专业人士和非营利组织经理在组织中做出重要决策时使用. 本辅修课程要求修读公司金融和另外四门金融课程.

Open to students from all disciplines and majors across campus, 航空辅修课程可以让你获得获得商业飞行员证书所需的技能. An on-campus flight-simulator lets you get started immediately, 你可以在大一的时候开始驾驶我们的塞斯纳天鹰. Learn more at the Aviation program website.



辅修教练课程为未来的教师和其他对从事教练职业的各种角色感兴趣的学生做好准备. 辅修课程包括研究体育教练的生理、社会和心理因素. In addition, 课程包括深入研究个人和团队运动的教练方法和策略,以及这些原则在实际教练环境中的应用. 

Topics covered within the program include first aid, injury prevention and care, athletic management, sports psychology and sociology and physiology and anatomy.

Computer Science
通过辅修计算机科学学到的技能在许多行业和各种学科中都很有价值. While earning the minor, you will gain knowledge in areas like programming, managing data, and algorithm development. 在你的大学生涯中加入计算机科学辅修课程会让你具备解决问题的能力, 技术知识和跨学科技能可以推动你在研究生教育中取得成功,或者提高你在各种现代领域的整体职业前景.

犯罪学家研究刑事司法系统以及犯罪的原因和后果.  The minor curriculum provides the following skills: 1) an understanding of how the criminal justice system influences and is influenced by other societal institutions; 2) a mastery of the theoretical frameworks instrumental in understanding the process of the criminal justice system; 3) an awareness of the intersection of race, gender, and class, and its relationship to criminal activity as well as different typologies of crime and their frequency; and 4) knowledge of various societal sanctions in relation to crime.

Students who decide to minor in Criminology will gain the following: 1) knowledge about specific fields within Criminology; 2) preparation for graduate school; and 3) critical thinking skills essential for success in a variety of occupations within the field which include, but are not limited to – policing, corrections, social work, legal secretary, and criminal investigator. This minor is housed within the Sociology department.

以培养学生的创业精神, 创业专修和辅修面向全校各学科、各专业学生开放.

学生们有机会为小型企业制定商业计划,并与社区中的企业合作开展特殊项目. 重点是体验式学习和课堂内外的积极参与. Also explored: the concept of entrepreneurship as a mindset; social and political entrepreneurship.

International Business 
进入日益全球化的市场的学生必须了解文化如何, economy and location impact business decisions. LaGrange College’s minor in International Business, available to business majors and non-majors alike, 旨在教导人们对文化差异可能对商业产生的影响保持敏感的重要性, production and industry here and abroad.

支持学院的QEP及其对全球参与的承诺, 国际商务辅修课程包括18个学期的课程,加上国际学习方式经验或第二或第三语言课程.  For more information, contact Dr. Lydia Rosencrants at lrosencrants@thestudioentrance.com.

Marketing Design 
Co-sponsored by the departments of Business and Art & Design, this minor emphasizes the creation of illustrations, 数码图像和演示文稿,供公司和企业向公众推销和推广其产品和服务. The curriculum includes instruction in Photoshop, Illustrator and PowerPoint, 以及对广告设计、品牌和企业形象策略的理解. 重点放在艺术家与客户密切合作的能力,以制定适合他们的艺术敏感性和客户目标的营销策略. 

市场营销设计课程在史密斯大厅和拉马尔多德艺术中心举行. 新装修的艺术中心提供开放式教室和私人工作室,以及一个摄影区,配备了传统的暗室和更新的Mac实验室,用于数字成像.


神经科学辅修课程可以让学生深入了解神经科学的发展, structure, 以及神经系统的功能通过生物学和心理学领域的交叉研究.  Students choose from courses that examine cognitive, behavioral, and physiological responses of the nervous system, and how the environment can affect it.  这些基础知识将帮助学生在各种健康相关领域从事职业, counseling, and biomedical research.


辅修课程帮助本科生准备在多种环境和设置下进行教学. 虽然这个项目是理想的候选人有兴趣进入文学硕士教学(M.A.T.) program at either the Middle School or Secondary levels, 其他学生可能会发现辅修课程对其他涉及教学和/或培训儿童或成人的职业兴趣有益.